Step by Step: Instruction to create your folders for analysis and execute program follow the instruction. Recommended for the first study.
CODE: acqilc@lyosdhcal11:~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest
DATA: acqilc@lyosdhcal11:/data/local/FE1PR2
All code is available on GitHub: (LyPeti - class).
Card - TESTBEAM.csv - You can change it - be careful. (backUp)
Important - You are doing this plots for check beam. Don't take results for any reports without discussing with Lyon team, Please.
equals acqilc@lyosdhcal11:~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest
Example: cd /path/to/dataQuest/results
–> cd ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/results
1. ssh acqilc@lyosdhcal11
pass: RPC_2008
2. cd ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/scripts
3. source myName
Example: source ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/scripts/ Victoria
1. ssh acqilc@lyosdhcal11
pass: RPC_2008
2. cd ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/results
3. mkdir myName
4. cd ../cards
5. mkdir myName
6. cd myName
7. mkdir logs
8. cd ../..
(to dataQuest)
9. cd scripts
10.source myName
sudo chmod 777 /path/to/data/*
cd /path/to/dataQuest/bin
./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --fN=newFileName.root
cd /path/to/dataQuest/results/myName
TBrowser *b = new TBrowser();
source /path/to/dataQuest/scripts/ myName
./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --fN=newFileName.root
.dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --runs=739000 --dir=myName
.dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --runs=739000 --values=7300 --dir=myName
.dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --runs='739000>739002' --values='6800|7000|7300' --dir=myName
.dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --runs=739000 --0&values=6800 --1000&values=7000 --dir=myName
rm /path/to/dataQuest/results/myName/myResult.root
and try again! or rewrite card file:
source /path/to/dataQuest/scripts/ myName
/path/to/dataQuest/bin/dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName
1 Use card to set all parameters.
2 mkdir /path/to/dataQuest/cards/myName
3 mkdir /path/to/dataQuest/cards/myName/logs
4 Execute script: source /path/to/dataQuest/scripts/ myName
Don't need to download the card just change it online and run the script which would get this card with wget.
5 Start analysis: /path/to/dataQuest/bin/dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName
6.1 <or myNameCard> - Change parameters inside card with google table.
6.2 Execute script: source /path/to/dataQuest/scripts/ myName
6.3 Copy card: cp /path/to/dataQuest/cards/myName/default.csv /path/to/dataQuest/cards/myName/myNameCard.csv
6.4 Example: /path/to/dataQuest/bin/dq --type=card ../cards/kshchablo/myNameCard.csv dir=myName
1. runs - Runs numbers for analysis;
2. values - value corresponding to the run number;
example: --runs=739900|739901 --0&values=507|507 --1000&values=500|500
3. Trigger setup:
filter&triger_is - turnON/turnOFF;
filter&triger_thr - should be equal to 1;
filter&numBoard - should be equal number of FEBs (4).
4. DeadTime filter:
filter&deadTime_window - deadtime window (~50ns);
filter&deadTime_is - turnON/turnOFF.
5. Window for estimate noise rate:
filter&noise_beg - start of window;
filter&noise_end - end of window;
filter&noise_is - turnON/turnOFF (correction of efficiency).
6. BCID filter:
filter&BCID_beg - start of window;
filter&BCID_end - end of window;
filter&BCID_is - turnON/turnOFF.
7. Time window:
filter&window_beg - start of window;
filter&window_end - end of window;
filter&window_is - turnON/turnOFF.
./dq --type=card ../cards/cards/binToROOT.csv --runs='790000|790002' --dir=myName
Code: LyPeti.cpp function: binToROOT
TTree T("RAWData", "RAWData"); - Name of tree T.Branch("EventNumber", &number,"EventNumber/I"); T.Branch("TDC_channel", &ch,"TDC_channel/F"); (not strip - TDC: Two channels - one strip) T.Branch("TDC_TimeStamp", &time,"TDC_TimeStamp/F"); - time - timeTrig
The fitter is a root script:
It runs over a simple txt file like:
Run the code with:
root -l scripts/SigmoideFitter.C'("Efficiency_ATT49")'
Example file .txt:
Efficiency at ATT = 49 and THR = 507
6000 0.001 0.001 740206
6500 0.0068 0.0012 740207
6700 0.067 0.002 740208
6900 0.52 0.0058 740209
7000 0.72 0.0061 740210
7100 0.81 0.0065 740211
7200 0.83 0.0012 740212
Comment: The first line of the script would be the plot title and the txt file name the figure name in png and pdf produced in the same directory.
1 LRrate, HRrate, ANDrate show the dependence of the hitRate on the value (HVeff, THR, ATT, etc.):
2 central&CBrate show the dependence of the clusterRate on the value (HVeff, THR, ATT, etc.):
(ONLY for central&CBrate) DOES NOT WORK FOR RATE STUDY (MESSAGE FROM 23.08 - While this message here the result is incorrect)
results: files are stored in the directory rate:
About clustering algorithm:
Events, where the multiplicity is greater than 7 are not processed (the number of clusters for these events is 1).
Percent of events which have multiplicity >=7 → graph CBfraction (if beam time windows and noise time windows are equal (directory:analysis).