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Step by Step: Instruction DOME 2020


IPNL local network:

DAQ PC: ssh acqilc@lyocmsmu01 (pass: RPC_2008)

DATAQUEST PC: ssh acqilc@lyosdhcal12 (pass: RPC_2008)

Following A-B-C steps to start. 1) 2) 3) 4) - Convenient ways to setting program.


  1. Analysis request setting .csv file with parameters.
  2. Tree output not giving any analysis. It just rewriting .dat with map information. The map must be correct.


A. source ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/scripts/ myName

When you create your dir:

check that cd /~CMS-RPC/dataQuest/results/myName and cd /~CMS-RPC/dataQuest/cards/myName exist and you have two .csv files.

Now you can start running the code!


Before each analysis with new files copy inputs files : sdfdsfds

B. cd ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/bin

C. ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName
either you run with the default file

Or if you want to change the parameters for a given run N.B: if you want to keep the HV or the threshold information associated to the run and get the corresponding appropriate plots when you perform a scan then you have to provide it in the values parameter as in the following examples:

1) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs=741417 --values=6700 --comment=HVOnePoint
in the previous command, we produce the plots for the run number 741417. The root files will contain the information on the HV and also your comment «HVOnePoint».

2) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs=741383 --values=550 --comment=ThresholdOnePoint
in the previous command we produce the plots for the run number 741383. The root files will contain the information on the threshold and also your «MyComment = ThresholdOnePoint».

3) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs='741417|741419' --values='6700|6900' --comment=HVTwoPoints
If you want to analyse several runs (not in row). Please note the ‘x|y‘ structure.

4) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs='741417>741420' --values='6700|6800|6900|7000' --comment=HVTwoPoints
If you want to analyse several runs (in a row).
N.B: myComment helps to keep the information of the work to be done (scan,…etc).


After running the code, a root file called analysis.root will be created in cd ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/results/myName.

TBrowser *b = new TBrowser();


dataquest_dome_2020_dataquest_-_instruction.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/10 23:21 (external edit)