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Step by Step: Instruction

Go to back: dataQuest: Analysis - instruction

Following A-B-C steps to start. 1) 2) 3) 4) - Convenient ways to setting program.


A. source ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/scripts/ myName

When you create your dir:

check that cd /~CMS-RPC/dataQuest/results/myName and cd /~CMS-RPC/dataQuest/cards/myName exist and you have two .csv files.

Now you can start running the code!


Before each analysis with new files execute: sudo chmod 755 /data/local/FE1PR2/*

B. cd ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/bin

C. ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName
either you run with the default file

Or if you want to change the parameters for a given run N.B: if you want to keep the HV or the threshold information associated to the run and get the corresponding appropriate plots when you perform a scan then you have to provide it in the values parameter as in the following examples:

1) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs=741417 --values=6700 --comment=HVOnePoint
in the previous command, we produce the plots for the run number 741417. The root files will contain the information on the HV and also your comment «HVOnePoint».

2) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs=741383 --values=550 --comment=ThresholdOnePoint
in the previous command we produce the plots for the run number 741383. The root files will contain the information on the threshold and also your «MyComment = ThresholdOnePoint».

3) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs='741417|741419' --values='6700|6900' --comment=HVTwoPoints
If you want to analyse several runs (not in row). Please note the ‘x|y‘ structure.

4) ./dq --type=card ../cards/myName/default.csv --dir=myName --runs='741417>741420' --values='6700|6800|6900|7000' --comment=HVTwoPoints
If you want to analyse several runs (in a row).
N.B: myComment helps to keep the information of the work to be done (scan,…etc).


After running the code, a root file called analysis.root will be created in cd ~/CMS-RPC/dataQuest/results/myName.

TBrowser *b = new TBrowser();
