==== General description ==== Those are the instructions for test beams in May 2018 to operate iRPC chambers with Petiroc electronics. === Experts-on-call for DAQ problems === [[expert_shifterinstructions_gifpp | Expert shifter instruction for GIF++]] M. Gouzevitch: 161454 K. Shchablo: +33769643416 E. Voevodina: G. Grenier: === Program === The general program for the week is on the elog http://cmsonline.cern.ch/cms-elog/1038699 ==== **DAQ OPERATIONS** ==== The DAQ operations are integrated in GIF++ WEBDCS. We use the http://webdcs904.cern.ch/ Here you can set-up HV scans (current, noise, efficiency). Each scan would have a scan number on WEBDCS and each HV point would have a run number associated to it. In **Settings --> DCS Settings**. Be sure you choose Lyon DAQ. Also depending on the needs you may use **RPC Mode: Double gap or Single gap**. Notice that here you would also set up the number of HV points. {{screenshot_from_2018-04-27_23_09_13.png}} Then go to **HVscan --> Start DAQ HV scan**\\ Set up minimal measure time. It is the time for each HV point. It would be defined by the number of triggers expected with the current conditions. To obtain it you can do a short measurement with an HV point and look on how many triggers you collect in few mn. To see it go to Monitor 6 on your left and type daqcontrol --daq-tdcstatus then look on how many triggers you collect in 1 spill. \\ Keep waiting time at 5 mn.\\ Max Triggers have no impact on DAQ just have to be above 10.\\ Below an example: {{screenshot_from_2018-04-27_23_16_02.png}} Before you start the run you need to do some book keeping [[tablesgif_042018 | at the end of the dokuwiki page containing all tables]]. Prepare the table in following format and some explanation. \\ The HV points shall be the ones you prepare during "Start DAQ HV scan" phase. \\ The attenuator you know from the source console.\\ The Web DCS Run number would be assigned as soon as you launch the scan. You can find it in "HVscan DAQ Run Registry".\\ The HV point DAQ run you obtain from "Monitoring -> PMON". See section **DAQ issus** just below for more details. You would have to fill this value each time a new HV point starts. Or you can retrieve it in the log if you left for some time the room. Below an example: **HV scan without changing the threshold done to test XXX** The 28/04 we started along night run with THR = 507 ^Web DCS scan number ^ att ^ HV point DAQ run number ^ HV top eff ^ HV bot eff ^ |320 | Off | | 5000 | 5000 | |320 | Off | | 5500 | 5500 | |320 | Off | | 6000 | 6000 | |320 | Off | | 6500 | 6500 | |320 | Off | | 6700 | 6700 | |320 | Off | | 6900 | 6900 | |320 | Off | | 7000 | 7000 | |320 | Off | | 7100 | 7100 | |320 | Off | | 7200 | 7200 | |320 | Off | | 7300 | 7300 | __At the end of your shift please post a summary on elog__: [[https://cmsonline.cern.ch/webcenter/portal/cmsonline/Common/Elog?__adfpwp_action_portlet=623564097&__adfpwp_backurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcmsonline.cern.ch%3A443%2Fwebcenter%2Fportal%2Fcmsonline%2FCommon%2FElog%3FMedia-Type%3Dscreen%26Media-Feature-Scan%3D0%26Media-Feature-Orientation%3Dlandscape%26Media-Feature-Device-Height%3D1000%26Media-Feature-Height%3D808%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26Media-Feature-Monochrome%3D0%26Font-Size%3D16%26Media-Feature-Color%3D8%26Media-Featured-Grid%3D0%26_afrLoop%3D32155132098559331%26Media-Feature-Resolution%3D115%26Media-Feature-Width%3D1333%26Media-Feature-Device-Width%3D1333%26Media-Feature-Color-Index%3D0%26Adf-Window-Id%3Dw0%26__adfpwp_mode.623564097%3D1&_piref623564097.strutsAction=%2FviewSubcatMessages.do%3FcatId%3D891%26subId%3D893%26page%3D1 | elog ]] ==== **DAQ configuration for intensive source** ==== To be done before source modification if source ATT > 46 source att46_settings daqcontrol --daq-setvth --vth=510 look on top command. ==== **DAQ issues** ==== Go to Monitoring -> PMON. And survey on the right {{screenshot_from_2018-04-27_22_46_01.png}} The good situation is **Connection 0**\\ **Event XXXX** --> A big number incrementing during spill.\\ **Run: DAQ run number to write in dokuwiki table**\\ You can also survey Possible problems: - **The event number is not incrementing during the spill**: __ACTION__ check if there is beam! If no beam wait for the beam\\ If there is beam but during 2-3 spills there if still no triggers stop the scan and restart it. If there is an other problem showing up in PMON or run number still not incrementing CALL THE EXPERT. - **The connection status is different from 0**: __ACTION__ stop the scan and restart. If the problem persist CALL THE EXPERT. - **You see more than 2 DCS processes ongoing: __ACTION__ kill them ALL. And stop the scan. Restart the scan. [[expert_shifterinstructions_gifpp | The instructions for experts.]]\\ ==== **DQM** ==== At some point some basic DQM would be implemented in WEBDCS. Till then you can [[gif_quick_tesk_042018 | run the analysis code described here]].